Hana recognizes that our long-team success depends on our ability to manage our operations soundly, efficiently in an increasingly complex environment, to create value for our stakeholders and to further contribute to society.
Pray for Chinese New year
Covid-19 Vaccination training form Heath Department
Chinese new year gift from management
Birthday by quarterly
Visit operator at hospital got accident
Donate to operators who inffected
Donate to Health Department
Making merit on Phchom Ben Day
Making merit on Meak Bochea Day
Year end party
Good performance awards
Activity during Covid (provide face shield to operators)
Visit staff and operator got sick
Donate Pallet to pagada
Make merit on Kathin Day
To distribute small gift to all our employees for New Year eve
Community participation : making merit in Rainy Season by offer candle and dry food to the pagoda that isolated area (around 35kms from the city)
Reward to our employee who won the slogans competition of Quality Awareness
Invited monks came to pray at Hana Cambodia before Khmer New Year Celebration
Motivation – Attendant reward to the workers who are good attendant
CSR : Donated books, pen, pencil and others biscuit to the 50 poor students at isolated areas (Toul Ko Ki that far from the city around 35kms)
College student of Technology University from Phnom Penh came to visited and study about our products for their presentation
Community participation : making merit Phjom Ben season by offer dry food to the pagoda that isolated area (around 30 kms from the city)
Community participation : making merit in Rainy Season by offer dry food to the pagoda and donated books and biscuit to the poor children about 40 people in Koh Por area that isolated from the city around 35kms